Our measures for safety will continue to evolve with the updates from our medical community. Please refer to this page for any updates.
As of March 11, 2022, masks indoors are no longer a requirement. Mask use is optional for both staff and customers.
Please sanitize your hands and shopping cart handle as you enter the store. Please throw out your used paper towels, wipes or gloves in the garbage provided.
High traffic touch points are being sanitized daily.
social distancing
Practice social distancing: Please keep at least 6 feet away from others in our store and in public!
There are floor markers by the check out and deli areas to help gauge that distance.
When lining up to check out:
Please line up along the blue floor markers, spaced out every 6 feet, indicating how customers should be lined up.
Please do not move to the next social distance marker until the customer in front of you has cleared the area. For example, if the customer ahead of you is still putting away their wallet and gathering their bags after payment, please do not move forward until they leave. On the other hand, please move forward if the next floor marker is clear! It moves the line along much quicker that way!
Also, the area by the tills/aisles are cleared to help maintain social distancing for customers around store; anything blocking the flow of traffic defeats the purpose. So if you are waiting for someone, please wait outside; and if you are done with your shopping cart, please return it to the corral outside.

bagging & reusable bags
To help get everyone through the tills quickly, we ask that all customers help the cashier to pack their groceries.
Reusable and paper bags are available for purchase
Please do not place items inside your reusable bags as you shop, before check out.
Please respect the limits for products set in place. These limits have been set so we can provide necessities for everyone in the community.
Limitations in place: None at the moment
preventative actions
Do not come into the store if you are feeling any COVID-19 symptoms. For more info, click here.
Please wash your hands as often as possible.
Please do not touch your face (or mask), even if you are wearing gloves.
If you have gloves or masks, please use them properly and dispose of them in the garbage bin.